In my professional path, I had the chance to work in many environments which helped me see and feel the advantages and disadvantages of every one of them: a sport events company, a small printing advertising agency, an advertising
Exact ca cum psihoterapeut, un coach, nu are nevoie de experienta vasta in aria unde clientul intampina dificultati, deoarece un coach nu se uita la detaliile si natura problemei, dar mai degraba la mindsetul cu care clientul priveste problema, ce limbaj foloseste, ce credinte are si care sunt acelea dupa care isi ghideaza viata, sirul gandurilor si modalitatile de luare a deciziilor si il ajuta pe acesta sa isi largeasca unghiul prin care priveste situatia.
Here's a glimpse of a coaching session I had yesterday with a client wanting to find their motivation around launching a new project and getting over the 'stuck' feeling.